
Instead of New Year’s Resolutions

1…2…3…4… Sometimes it takes a while to start something…Then, after something finishes, it may take a while before realizing its meaning, its wisdom, its purposes…Everyone knows that, at times, waiting is advisable and that patience often pays off, hard work also pays off, so does doing the right thing, staying true to yourself...
Each year, there are so many lessons to learn, so much experience to add to our becoming, so many new pages to write, word by word, minute by minute… every moment of every woken hour… There is no real plagiarism in real life. Everything we experience turns into a “one and only” memory and we are the only true owners and rightful beneficiaries of these treasures. Also, with every significant person and every role they play in our lives… there has to be self-improvement, self-development and even some sort of self-enlightenment sooner or later.
Ugo Eze once said: “Be careful who you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime.” This year, I’ll be more than careful. I don’t want to help create anything less than beautiful. So, I will use the right to be selective without feeling sorry about it. I also won’t settle for “average” this year…when it comes to my own work. I’ll be a better version.