
Inspirational Simplicity

Chances are
If it’s not meant to be this time
No one’s going to be judged
Not by us anyway wrapped only
in this sweet lavender night.
One is told colours
bear different names in a language
And rainbows the same
We are too greedy to cease seeking for symbols and signs
Too busy reaping harvests we never planted;
Looking back without teary eyes now
would expose
an even emptier heart.
Kindness remains a priceless surrogate for a single ride
The healing scars made by the thorns of withering roses
will always remember the blood-scented fragrance
instead of the petal trail left behind -
Staying true to oneself is harder
than taking a metaphorical bullet,
than being grounded for life, unable to slow down your steps,
Too far from a déjà-vu Neverland
Irreconcilably surrendered and incorporated in its divine landscape
Yet so discouraged by its heart-shaped barbed wire
A striking contrast immortalizing our complexity
We bungee-jump chained to our deepest fears alone
Like two peas in a ribboned pod striving to breathe
It’s not going to happen once-upon-my-time.

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