
Selfish Confession

This is about my happiness disguised in the middle of the people around me, in the million simple blessings of my own existence …teaching me to love, guiding my way, breathing life into my dreams.
I find other people’s love and friendship inspiring. I find immense joy in every smile, incommensurable hope in every wish, undying faith in every invisible bond with those sharing a part of my soul. Forever. Nobody ever leaves my heart. Once in there, they get permanent ownership rights. Though they are free to go away if/whenever they please, they are always welcome to stay or come back. Their presence is forever cherished, their roles are greatly acknowledged, their memory lives on…and on.
I am so grateful. For every special person crossing my path, for every positive thought they generate in my mind, for every sublime feeling that lights away the darkness, unburdens the heaviness inside and heals my pains.

I’ve learned that my inner balance, self-confidence and life wholeness depend on my relationships: my most valued gifts, my peace, my growth, my becoming into a hopefully better person… I owe the better side of me to each single friendship, to its genuineness and its uniqueness which, through kindness, generosity, sweetness, devotion and love, makes my own journey worthwhile.
In truth, I would be lost without you. I would be nothing without you. So, THANK YOU!

6 comentarii:

  1. Happy Birthday, my dear! Happiness, peace, great people, love and luck, all for you! I really miss you. Hugs!

  2. Thank you, my dear! Miss you so much! <3 >:D< Take care, be well, blessings!

  3. Nobody ever leaves my heart. Once in there, they get permanent ownership rights. Though they are free to go away if/whenever they please, they are always welcome to stay or come back. Their presence is forever cherished, their roles are greatly acknowledged, their memory lives on…and on.
    I am so grateful. For every special person crossing my path, for every positive thought they generate in my mind, for every sublime feeling that lights away the darkness, unburdens the heaviness inside and heals my pains.

    Cuvinte frumoase insa nu stiu cat de adevarate sunt...

  4. Hey, hey, hey...
    Am mari indoieli
